Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Little Validation

In the past year we here at the wine wall have taken to growing our own food. The combination of rising food prices with sinking incomes has hit us below the belt. We have had mixed success, and often find ourselves hungry. Not really knowing how to go about it, we have done things like spend way too much money on packets of heirloom seeds from mail-order supply houses, only to allow the seedlings to die from starvation or become too spindly before transplanting them. For example, back in the spring we had dozens of tomato plants. There were special heirloom romas from Italy, big globular suckers from who knows where, and plentiful miniature varieties to keep us content in the meanwhile. Right now we are down to three cherry tomato plants, unhealthy ones at that.

But recently we did pull in a big harvest of potatoes. It looks deceiving in the picture, but this basket probably weighs 20 pounds! Yippee! We have got Yukons coming out our ears, and we only harvested a third of the crop. There are also some baby chiogga beets alongside that we pulled in order to thin them out.


Anonymous said...

Okay, Aunt Barb and Uncles and myself expect an amazing beet creation when we come visit. We all love BEETS!

Looking forward to our visit, Aunt Nancy

paul said...

sounds like a date. We have been making an awesome beet salad all summer that we can make for you guys. We'll try to time it so that our beets can be picked that day, but I guess it depends on if they live that long ... gardening is fun!

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