Sunday, March 16, 2008

Top Chef Episode One: Dale Talde

So the first week of the new season of Top Chef has aired and we are going to report on feedback around the Internets concerning former amigo numero uno, Dale Talde. People seem to have a consensus about my former classmate and pal, which is reflected by bloggers here, here, here and here. Since we are not "TV people" in the conventional sense, all reporting will be done in this manner.

Here are some general feelings about Dale:

-Dale is the new Hung

-Dale is overconfident

-Dale is talented

The first feeling means absolutely nothing to me, since I have no idea who Hung is, though apparently Dale reminds them of him. I can only assume Hung was a contestant on TC last year and that this is some kind of put down. Lame way to categorize someone, simply putting them into a box to define them before they can define themselves. Reminds us of a certain political party during an election.

The second point, that Dale seems overconfident, seems like a net plus to me, given that he is on a reality TV show that is very competitive. Not to mention that Dale has reason to be confident. He's a CIA grad, which means he's undergone the best culinary training in the world. After that he gained ten years experience in top restaurants in Chicago and now in New York. Go Dale.

Which leads to the third point. 'Nuff said.

Dale, you rock, baby.

Keep it up.


Scotty Harris said...

Redman, my friend, even you cannot get me to watch realty TV. I stayed up to watch "John Adams" on HBO last night,but other than that it's MSNBC and bed. ;-)

paul said...

yeah, I heard that John Adams series is supposed to be awesome. And if I were to be able to tune into TC, it would be my first foray into the reality tv world

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Ms Moore said...

Since I just browsed onto your blog from another blog - I'm not sure if you're serious or not - but Hung was a contest and won. X=Hung would be a compliment or at least an insinuation of being detail-oriented and well trained.

paul said...

ms. moore:
thanks for the tip!

since we are basically TC illiterate, I didn't know Hung won.

I assumed there was some subtle racism as work- which may still be the case- but at least now I know that dale=hung is also compliment.

sorry for ignorance of the subject.

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